Last night, I felt like I had so much to say, so I turned on my camera and just started talking. Most of it is rambling, but I wanted to post it anyway to show people that this whole weight loss/getting healthy process is SO MENTAL. Truly. I have battled emotional tug-o-war's in my mind the past few weeks as I try to make myself happy without seeing a number on a scale. ย For me, the act of seeing a lower number on the scale is validation for the work I am putting into this journey, however, it's gotten to a point where it controls my emotions, as I wrote about before.
So what happens when you remove that piece of metal that tells you what you weigh? How do your day-to-day actions change? How do you FEEL about yourself as you make your healthy living choices? For me, I have felt a little lost these scale-free weeks, and this isย definitelyย something I want to fix.
The hardest part of this journey so far for me has been these emotional roller coasters. Exercise and eating well? That's the easy part!