March. How did we get here already?!?!?
February whizzed by and change is on the horizon. This means things feel pretty chaotic.
Life has been pretty wonderful lately, but I've been very out of my normal routine for the past 9 months, or for as long as I've been dating Steve. I know he's been sprinkled through this blog, but I've been holding back because I didn't want to jinx anything. The last thing I want to do is talk about this relationship and then have to be like, “j/k back to Tinder!” I think this is what happens when you get betrayed in a relationship. Sure – trust is broken with that person who betrayed, but the aftershocks continue to affect your relationships after. As a result, I wrapped both he and I in bubble wrap from the internet for a bit until I could let go of the notion that this person would disappear.
Not only has he NOT disappeared, but the relationship is unlike anything I thought was possible. (I promise I'm not trying to get all sappy, as Steve will attest to how much I hate PDA.) For example, a friend who met him for the first time this weekend texted: “That boy is nuts about you.” And he is. I'm nuts about him. I also continuously hear remarks about how happy I look. And it's true – I'm really damn happy.
It's not just the relationship. I love my work, my friends, my surroundings. The elements are all great, but a routine has been a struggle.
Steve and I live an hour apart, and while that doesn't seem like much, it has become a lot.
Before the relationship, I was accustomed to having every hour of the day, night, and weekend for work and leisure. It was all me, all the time! But now (by choice), I'm trying to have a more regimented work schedule and manage my hours so I have more time to travel back and forth, or to be off my computer for hours at a time. With this adjustment, my workouts have suffered. My sleep (night owl + insomnia is a bad combo) is still wonky. I'm living out of a suitcase a few days a week.
I am someone who craves routine. While I work from home and could theoretically work wherever there's internet access, I much prefer my office setup. I want my clothes and toiletries and shower and things. I need my work to get to a point where I'm not always playing catch up until 2am because I spent time offline with Steve. We've been juggling calendars and alternating weekends and meeting halfway for dinner in the middle of the week when time allows. But it's time to reclaim my routine.
So with that, things have felt even more chaotic because we came to the decision that we should live together. In Louisville.
Yep, I'm prepping for a move.
Steve is also prepping for a move as he lives in Shelbyville but works in Louisville. He loves his job and I work remotely, so me leaving Lexington required little thought on my part, even though we talked through other scenarios. Why Louisville? No offense to the residents of Shelbyville, but I need a Starbucks and a Target within a 10 mile radius of my house. And being in Louisville will mean less of a commute for Steve.
While he is prepping his house, it's not nearly as monumental of a task as mine. My house is stuck in the 1980s in many ways. There are things that went neglected for a long time that would affect a sale. So it's been a lot of stress trying to figure out what needs to be updated and getting it done. My pocketbook will be emaciated. I hate living in this zone of letting people in and out of my house for quotes and work, and for not having an end date in sight. I like to control EVERYTHING and with this, I can't.
Leaving Lexington is going to be rough. My friends are my family, and I have a lot of concern that things won't be the same if I leave. Even though I'll only be 1.5 hours away, it's still a change. I have friends in Louisville, so it's not like I'm starting from scratch in a new city. I can come back for dinners and social stuff. And my love of routine means I probably won't give up my hairdresser, waxer, or doctors anytime soon.
I've come close to moving several times up until now. A new house for a different life, or getting out of the city entirely. I looked at Nashville, Atlanta, San Francisco, and NYC. It's never felt right, until now.
So while I feel like I'm currently drowning in chaos, I know that great change is on the horizon. I just need to power through.
In coming weeks, you'll see some home improvement posts from me as I try to make this process a little more fun.
If you have any house selling tips (yes, I have a Realtor), words of wisdom, or general feedback, I'd love to hear from you. I appreciate your support!