Again, blown away by the kindness I've received recently. I hope my posts aren't coming off as super depressed or anything. I KNOW I'll be okay – it's just this in-between period that has me questioning myself and everything around me. As Amy Poehler said: “Imagine spreading everything you care about on a blanket and then tossing the whole thing up in the air. The process of divorce is about loading that blanket, throwing it up, watching it all spin, and worrying what stuff will break when it lands.” (Found via this Sarah Jio post on Glamour. PS – If you haven't read Sarah Jio's books – go get them. Amy Poehler's book is next on my reading list.)
Can we talk about crying and exercise?
First, I am traditionally not a crier. Lately though, I seem to be able to spring a leak at any given moment. I guess it's natural. But during a workout?!
The first time I cried during or after exercise was finishing my first 5K. I was SO happy and proud and thankful. It all just came out in a puddle of snot and everything.
The second time I cried was when I was doing step ups at the gym and my trainer Jim asked me how I was doing. This was right after I learned my ex wanted to split. I choked it back as best as possible, but I definitely sprung a leak.
The third time was in the middle of slamming some ropes a couple weeks later. I could disguise it as sweat, but it was ugly. The more I slammed, the more the tears welled up.
The fourth time was about 3 weeks ago when I was slamming ropes again. Something to do with those ropes – I tell ya! It's cathartic and exhausting and by the time I got in the car (ropes are usually a finisher), I just started heaving. Phew. Messy.
But yesterday? I felt SO GOOD during the entire workout. I felt stronger, I could feel progress, and I didn't feel like I was just going through the motions. It was like a fog had lifted. And when it came time for ropes, there were zero tears.
(Total sidenote: I would never be able to do ropes/impact like this without my ENELL Sports Bra. Seriously, my boobs would have knocked me out after one slam. They're having free shipping through 12/31 with FREE14. /end of sidenote)