I'll probably write a lot on this blog about clothes. I love shopping. I hate that I can't wear a lot of stuff. There are all kinds of articles right now about how plus size offerings are dwindling as the economy sinks, and that is disheartening. It is SO. FRUSTRATING. shopping for clothes as a plus size girl. Especially professional clothes.
I am supposed to wear suits to work. But do I? Not so much. Hard to find them in my size that don't look like old church-lady suits in pastel colors (sorry to the old church-ladies out there). Also, I'm fat, okay? (I know we already established that, sorry.) I am hot a lot. It's summer. I don't want to wear a 3 piece suit plus my fat. In 90 degree heat. Blech.
I love shopping online. I get to look at pretty things (y'all know how I love pretty things). I came across a few things that I really liked and made a virtual outfit. I own a couple of the pieces already. Just wanted to show off my fat-professional look for the summer. Would love if more designers would come up with fat friendly professional looks. That aren't a million dollars (or $300- I gotta buy at least 1 for every day of the workweek, sheesh!) And up to size 28 (at least). Respect us hard-working professional plus beauties out here!
Oh! Can't forget the shoe people also. Wide widths please! My size 11 D foot deserves pretty things too.
On to the outfit.