What keeps you going on your fitness and weight loss journey? What is the source of momentum?
Right now, I'm struggling with my momentum. I'm dangerously close to a breaking point. This has happened before. Life takes over- life without prioritizing my health- and things fall by the wayside. I'm vocalizing this because this time is different. I am completely aware of my mindset and my circumstances surrounding me. It's like a car approaching a speed bump- only this time, I SEE the speed bump. Before, I would have continued at 100% and hit that damn bump without slowing down, and completely shocking myself in the process, stopping all the momentum I had.
Since my fitness journey started (again) and I began incorporating workouts 5x a week into my daily routine, I've been able to make it work. Work, family, friends- none of it was overly demanding of time outside of what I had already dedicated to it. The past couple of weeks (and this week) have been different. I LOVE my work. Really. LOVE it. I am so lucky to not only have a job, but to really, really like what I'm doing. I've got a few projects that are demanding much more of my time than usual, so the hours I have in a day to do other things have been cut. Still, I know that a week of either poor eating or not maintaining my workout schedule will put me back several weeks of work. I am not willing to let that happen. Not at all.
Add the pressure of figuring out eating and a fitness routine while traveling. Then add the pressure from the scale, which isn't moving. It's enough to make you want to say “TIME OUT!”
When I was working with Trainer Rob on Saturday, I flat out told him that I DID NOT want to be at the gym. As I warmed up, just the prospect of having to do a high intensity workout for an hour nearly sent me to tears. He understood. We did a couple of high intensity circuits, then focused on weights. I left the gym feeling so much better than when I entered. Of course, I went home and promptly fell asleep for 5 hours in my sweaty gym clothes, but that's beside the point.
One goal this week is to continue momentum from the 5K. Re-watching my crying video to remind myself how GOOD things are when they're GOOD.
Another goal is to find balance between my work commitments and workout out this week, since I'm away from my familiar environment.
So, I'm here. Still fighting. My punches just might be a little weaker this week.