Oh my awesome bloggie friends, the time has finally arrived to depart for FitBloggin'! It has been MONTHS since I got my ticket, booked my room and secured my flight, and now it's finally here *eek*
For those who don't know, FitBloggin' is a conference “For bloggers interested in fitness, wellness, good food and a healthy lifestyle. Two days of education, networking, friendship and fun.” There are some sessions I'm really excited to attend, and of course I'm looking forward to so many people whose blogs I read daily and who feel like my extended family. There will also be a 5K, Zumba class, Fitness Trampoline, and more. I'm very proud to be in this community of bloggers.
My flight leaves late morning on Thursday and I will get home Sunday late afternoon. Between now and then, be prepared for lots of FitBloggin' talk, photos and tweets (under the #fitbloggin hashtag). I apologize in advance if it gets obnoxious. I feel like Jessie in the Saved by the Bell episode where she's hopped up on caffeine pills and is dancing around singing “I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!” (sans the substance abuse and mental breakdown, of course)
I am extremely grateful to the wonderful people of Enell, Inc., my FitBloggin' sponsor. Enell is the maker of my all-time-favorite sports bra, the ENELL SPORT. I have been using my ENELL bras since the beginning of my gym workouts and refuse to work out without them. They're Oprah's favorite too, and were featured on her show again on May 10 during her “weight loss finale” show. Check out Sandra who lost 106 pounds after getting an ENELL bra upon Oprah's recommendation. You can't make this stuff up, y'all!
To thank you for enduring my FitBloggin' chatter and complete girl-crush on ENELL, I'm giving another ENELL SPORT bra away! Who doesn't love a giveaway?!
Enter to win 1 ENELL SPORT bra by answering this question in the comments: What's you favorite summer workout activity?
You can enter 1 additional entry for each of the following – simply come back here and leave another comment for each item you do:
- Follow @enellsportsbras on Twitter (1 entry)
- Like ENELL, Inc. on Facebook (1 entry)
- Tweet the following (1 additional entry max): ”I entered to win an ENELL SPORT bra from @enellsportsbras and @skinnyemmie http://bit.ly/mdjhXp #ENELL”
Winner will be chosen on Monday, May 23 at 5:00pm EST via random.org and notified by email. Winner must respond within 24 hours of email or another winner will be chosen. Winner must be in the US or Canada for shipping purposes.
Disclosure: While ENELL is my FitBloggin’ sponsor, all gushy outpourings of love I give to their products is solely a representation of my own opinions. Follow ENELL on Facebook, Twitter, or their blog. I endorse Blog With Integrity.
I love the arrival of summer, thanks to my softball leagues. There’s something about being on the field that puts me at peace with my soul.
Have fun at FitBloggin’! I so wish I could go.
Definitely hiking through the woods 🙂
My favorite summer activity is anything out on the water – swimming, tubing, etc!
My favorite summer workout activity is a good old fashioned walk (er, walk-run as I’m starting up the C25K program!
I’m now following Enell sports bras on Twitter!
I now like Enell on Facebook!
I just sent out the tweet!
I loooove beach volleyball! The beach near me always has leagues in the summer and it’s a fun way to fit in some extra exercise! Serious calf burner too!
My favorite summer activity is playing outside with the kids. Running in the sprinklers, swimming, playing softball, taking walks, pushing kids on the swings, and anything that involves the sunshine and my sweet kiddo’s. 🙂
I “like” Enell on facebook 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite summer activity is swimming and biking! I’m down 110 lbs and training for a half Ironman!
I just followed Enell on Twitter! Would loooooove to get a free bra!
I loooovvvveeee to swim and run!!! I would love an ENELL bra!!! I am a large busted women and am always looking for the right bra for exercise!!!
I just liked Enell on Facebook! it’s an Enell lovefest tonight! Thanks Emmie!
I joined Twitter and now follow @enellsportsbras.
I tweeted the following on twitter: I entered to win an ENELL SPORT bra from @enellsportsbras and @skinnyemmie http://bit.ly/mdjhXp #ENELL”
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a bra. I have been wanting one for a long time.
I “liked” Enell on Facebook. Since I’m just starting my weight loss journey and have a really long way to go, I’m needing “support” and lots of it—not just good, uplifting support from my friends and family but a good bra! 🙂 My favorite summer activity is softball–and unless I want two black eyes, I need a supportive bra. *wink* My second favorite summer activity is swimming. I’ll be spending a lot of time in the next year at the gym and I can already tell that my current undergarments aren’t doing their job. I would love to have the opportunity to wear the Enell bras.
Running. Definitely running. Which is why I need *amazing* sports bras, and I would LOVE to try an Enell! Thanks for the giveaway, and have fun at fitbloggin!
Have fun at the conference! One of my other blogging friends is going too 🙂 SO jealous!
tweeted the comment
Swimming! Or maybe.. no, definitley swimming!
My favorite summer workout activity is walking or jogging.
I’m following @enellsportsbras onTwitter.
I am not a big summer fan so love things that keep my cool like being in the water for swimming or water aerobics.
I like to go for a morning run or an evening walk in the summer–sometimes both!
I like ENELL on Facebook!
hey….. can’t wait to meet you tomorrow 🙂 fitbloggin here we come
Before my ATR, my favorite summer workout was a women’s summer basketball league! My favorite family workout are summer beach runs put on by our local parks and rec dept… kids register for the summer and if they attend 4 of 12 offered fun runs they get a free shirt! every race they got ice pops and a ribbon. Its a great community event. Adult races of various lengths follow after. Its so cool!
My favorite summer activity is swimmiiiinnngggg. I’m also pretty partial to beach volleyball… though I’m pretty terrible at it, I must admit. Can’t wait to meet you at Fitbloggin’!! Tomorrow! Ahhh!
Definitely anything that involves the beach! It’s between walking and swimming!
And I’m following @enellsportsbras on twitter!
my favorite summer workout activity is the same as my winter one… Elliptical machine!
I “liked” enell.
I am following enell on twitter.
My favorite summer workout is walking/running around the Reservoir in Central Park. With a beautiful view of midtown Manhattan as well as the Upper West and East Side while along the water is breath taking. Add into that the beautiful greenery and typical New York people watching, it’s a great way to spend an hour!
Anything in water and power walks with friends
Sprucing up the house! I’m a teacher, so summer is my time to get some much-needed house work done. We bought our house 2 years ago, and there are still plenty of things I want to paint, rip up, fix, etc. It breaks me into a sweat, and, as an added bonus, I get so engrossed in what I’m doing that I don’t think about food!
My favorite summer workout is still running–but after dark when it cools down!
I follow Enell on twitter
and I tweeted
I’m just starting to jog and I, surprisingly, kind of like it! So this summer, my new activity of choice is going to be running! Never thought I’d say that. 🙂
Have a great time at the conference. Can’t wait to hear all about it!!
I am following @enellsportsbras on Twitter
Just posted the tweet about entering the giveaway!!
I like to ride my bike but have recently been trying to incorporate morning walks into my *cough* routine.
Just liked Enell on Facebook and wanted to add I am learning to golf as well. Also… would love to win an Enell product so yippee for this contest!
I love to run anytime of year, may it be in the winter or the summer. I’m looking forward to some snowless trail running as well.
My favorite summer activity is swimming!
My favorite summer activity use to be swimming….NOW.. its walking or bicycling. Have a great time at fitbloggin and Kenz is taking my place on the walk…will be thinking of both of you! *and everyone else*
Have a blast at FitBloggin! Hope to be there next year.
My favorite summertime activity is going on walks with Kevin (hubby).
I so need to try out Enell. Looking for a variety of sports bra options to review.
Following Enell on Twitter (I’m @angienewton)
Like Enell on Facebook (@angienewton)
I love kickboxing!!!
I just liked Enell on facebook!
I love running! Especially in the morning before it gets unbearably hot :o)
And I just liked Enell on Facebook!
Being fit and working out is always important. It’s why I don’t rely solely on to help my patients stay fit. I also rely on my yoga and fitness instructors too, it’s about lifestyle change and living a healthier life; not about getting skinny.
My favorite summer activity is hiking, for sure! Until it gets 110 degrees with a humidity of 100%, then I’m a pool girl all the way!
I followed Enell on Twitter!
I liked Enell on Facebook!
I tweeted I entered this contest on Twitter.
I’m so excited to read all about FitBloggin’ on everyone’s blogs next week! So no need to apologize – I for one am looking forward to it. Hoping next year I can attend.
I’ve also never heard of Enell sport bras. I’m in the market for a new one that actually supports so this is a huge plus.
My favorite summer workout activity would have to be walking – whether it’s the boardwalk at the ocean with the breeze or hiking through the woods covered in the shade of the trees.
I followed Enell on Twitter!
I liked Enell on Facebook!
I tweeted I entered this contest on Twitter.
I love cruising around on my pink beach cruiser. I would like to start jogging too and think an Enell bra would really help
Following Enell on Twitter now AND posted about your giveaway 🙂
My favorite summer activity is a combination — riding my bike to the community pool, swimming for a while, then riding my bike home. I love biking because I feel like I’m as fast as the wind, something I can’t accomplish (yet!) by running.
Following Enell on Twitter!
I liked Enell on Facebook!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I love the summer time because I have a normal 8-5 work schedule and I can take kickboxing and hip hop aerobics at my gym or go for a nice walk outside.
I liked Enell on Facebook
I am following Enell on twitter (@jhooker517)
I tweeted the giveaway (@jhooker517)
I wrote about your giveaway on my blog (jaihook.blogspot.com)
I’m following Enell on Twitter!
My favorite summer workouts are walking and swimming.
I follow Enell on Twitter.
I like Enell on Facebook.
My favorite summer time work out has to be swimming!
I tweeted! 🙂
I have a girl crush on ENELL tooooo!!!! Only sportsbra that has EVER worked for me! 🙂
I’m following them on Twitter!
oh, I got so excited I forgot to answer the question, ha! My favorite summer workout is walking/running around my city’s waterfront/esplanade … it georgeous! and there are always beautiful shirtless men working out … yeah, I said it! 🙂
I liked ENELL, Inc on Facebook (as my blog’s Page)
I like Enell on Facebook!
My favorite workout is running, but I need to adjust to the heat & humidity of summer in the South. But my all-time favorite summer activity is swimming with my almost 4 year old. So fun!
I tweeted the tweet!
*now I shall spend all weekend with my fingers crossed. 🙂
I just announced your giveaway on Twitter!
I follow Enell on Twitter
I like Enell on FB
And…. my favorite summer workout is pretty much the same as my favorite winter workout – working out with the Best Trainer on Earth, who changes it up time to time and season to season. Never bored and always just right.
I tweeted
I’m following Enell on Twitter
I liked Enell on Facebook
My favorite summer activity is biking a really long distance and then going for a swim! 🙂
I’m @ih8lemons on twitter and I tweeted 🙂
I love playing tennis for my activity!
I Liked Enell on facebook! Love that tennis & nordic pole walking also!
Pick me, pick me please. Really need an Enell!
My favourit summer activity is going for a good long run, then diving into my pool afterwards for a few refreshing laps.
Love to hike!
Woodland Park is practically my backyard so I like to get out and walk. I also enjoy swimming. I plan to play some ultimate frisbee with friends as well.
I liked Enell on Facebook.
I followed Enell on Twitter.
I love yoga, but I just started C25K, and I think that’s going to be my new favorite.
I also started following them on Twitter…
And on Facebook….
And I tweeted the catch phrase! (I really, really need a new sports bra. :o) )
I have never heard of those sports bras before. If I’m not lucky enough to win, I’ll have to check them out.
My favorite summer workouts are going for hikes in the Metro parks & riding my bike on the trails.
I just recently started the Couch to 5k program…so I think that’s going to be focus this summer (running). With my “girls” as large as they are it’s a bit of a problem! lol So many people have recommended the Enell sports bra to me so I would LOVE to win this giveaway!
I just started following them on Twitter
I also liked them on Facebook.
Just tweeted the phrase!
My favorite summer workout activity is going for hikes in the mountains with my dogs. Spring came so late this year that there is still snow so we haven’t been up yet! I can’t wait!
I really enjoy running in the summer – early morning before the kids get up and it is still cool or late in the evening to blow off the steam of the day!
The sports bra I have now is just not working for me anymore, so I would really love a new Enell one!
I am now following Enell on Twitter. Don’t know how I wasn’t before – so this was a good reminder.
Have fun at FitBloggin’!
My favourite summer workout is to go swimming or take a long walk with my dogs.
I follow Enell on Twitter!
I tweeted! @untypicallyjia
I liked Enell on Facebook!
PS: Have a great time at Fitbloggin Emmie!
I added enell on twitter!!!
My favorite summer workout activity is running but intensive ocean swimming is a close runner up! 🙂
I’m sure you will have a blast. Can’t wait to hear all about it.
I love hiking in the mountains in the summer but right now, no matter what season it is, I’m loving cardio kickboxing.
The summer activity I enjoy most is swimming. I love keeping cool while working hard!
My fave summer activity is swimming/water aerobics then again I do that year round! It is a great activity that is nice and easy on the joints and compliments my 5k training!
I follow Enell on twitter as @KrisGetsHealthy
I am a fan on Facebook as well
I tweeted to enter your giveaway as well!
I hope you are having a blast!!!! I am so jealous of everyone there! It sounds like so much fun! I hope to make it next year!
Hi! I just started following your blog and you are so inspiring!
My favorite summer workout activity is biking 🙂
I follow enellsportsbras on Twitter!
I Like ENELL, Inc.on FB 🙂
And I just tweeted this great giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity!!
live in MN, so love being able to get outside in the summer and walk and jog around our park.
i like enell on facebook!
I love to go swimming in the summer. Such a great way to workout and cool off.
I like Enell on facebook!
My favorite summer activity is walking around outdoor malls.
I liked Enell on Facebook =)
I followed Enell on Twitter!
I also tweeted ”I entered to win an ENELL SPORT bra from @enellsportsbras and @skinnyemmie http://bit.ly/mdjhXp #ENELL”
AND Im following your blog too =)
My favorite summer activity is probably swimming!
I follow Enell on twitter ! (@tealeth922)
I also like enell on fbook!
My favorite summer workout activity is taking walks with the children in the cooler evenings.
My favorite – Tossing my Alex around in the pool 🙂
I love, love, love to run on the treadmill and do the elliptical!
I follow Enell on Twitter! (@dallasbthompson)
I tweeted!
I liked Enell on Facebook!
I love running outside in the summer!
I’ve tweeted, liked on FB, and added Enell on my twitter (cindylouwho_10)!
Following Enell on Twitter!
Liked Enell’s FB page!
I haven’t ever worked out in the summer. What I do know is that this summer I will be! What I know I will love is running outside early morning. It won’t be too cold and I will see the sunrise!
Tweeted! =)
I like to run…shocking I know 😉
Oh yeah….and I liked them on the Twitterz
And I tweeted that I love you & them 🙂 (I will have to ‘like’ them on Facebook later, since I can’t here at work and I wont meet your cut-off time)
My favorite summer workout is running!!!
I am now following Enell on Twitter!
My favorite activity? Running. I do it all the time!!
I just tweeted the phrase 🙂
Now I “LIKE” Enell on facebook!
Tweeted it!!
I just found your blog today and love it!! 🙂
My favorite summer activity is a morning run when no one is around! It’s quiet, the sun slowly comes up and it’s just gorgeous 🙂
I’m now following Enell on Twitter!
I just bought my first Enell two weeks ago–love! How did I live without one before???
I ‘liked’ Enell on Facebook!
And lastly….
I tweeted about the giveaway! 🙂 Okay, I think that’s all the entries I can do!
Swimming is my favorite summer workout.
I “liked” Enell on Facebook!
I followed Enell on Twitter!
I tweeted about the giveaway!