I am someone who MUST have music to really get me going. This could be for a workout, or just for a dance party in my pajamas (what? You don't do that?). As shown before, I have an affinity for Mashups, and each year, Bootie releases the “Best of Bootie” mix for the year. I have had this on non-stop for 2 days now, and my bum hasn't stopped shaking in my seat (since I can't dance on my cast).
Listen for just a few minutes, and I know you'll be hooked also.
Amazing, right? You can get the individual tracks or full collection at the Best of Bootie site. Let me know which one is your fave! Mine right now is Lobsterdust – Whole Lotta Extra Dougie (Cali Swag District vs. Led Zeppelin vs. Katy Perry). 🙂