Do you feel guilty for spending time, money and energy on your fitness and weight loss efforts?
Are you wondering what else might be falling by the wayside because of the energy you're spending on yourself?
Feeling a little
I just want to say, STOP IT!
We are WORTH the time invested in ourselves. We are WORTH focusing energy on ourselves. We are WORTH having a life full of health and vitality. Your future is WORTH it.
I have a feeling that many of you have taken care of others your whole life. You've spent your time and energy on your parents, spouses, siblings, careers, friends, children and pets. You are their pillar of strength. You are their source of security, of companionship. You're there when others fail to show. You stretch yourself as far as you can and you forget about yourself. You've forgotten what spending time on yourself feels like.
Is is self-indulgent to spend this kind of investment in your fitness? NO.
Are you letting people down by loosening the strings a little and working on yourself? NO.
Do you worry the journey you want to take will require help? IT'S YOUR TURN TO ACCEPT SUPPORT
It's time. Be selfish. Invest in yourself so you can invest in your loved ones for years to come.