This week has been fast and furious, in a good way. I caught up on everything from being gone for a week and feel good about work. Anyone else feel like they thrive much better under pressure? It's like a switch turns on and I become ultra productive. Sort of like an adrenaline rush.
Anyway, a story:
While on a quick Trader Joe's run on Wednesday, the cashier asked if I had any fun plans for the weekend. I thought about it, and couldn't come up with anything out of the ordinary, so I just told her “the usual,” to which she nodded and said the same was true for her.
So what's so great about this story? I'm doing a 5K Saturday, and somehow in my mind it switched to being “the usual,” or “no biggie.”
I'm not planning on running the 5K, as it's not a timed race (that I know of) and my ankle hates when I run anyway. But still, being able to just sign up and do a 5K without stressing over it or worrying about being able to complete the distance or feel too winded to finish is just out of my life now. My first 5K in 2010 was such an epic event where I really wondered how my body would hold up. Looking back at that recap, I feel really proud of myself, which is rare.
Also this week, I started participating in the Instagram #YogaADay challenge by Grow Soul Beautiful. Basically every day for the month of October, you take a photo of yourself doing a different yoga pose. The folks from Grow Soul Beautiful were actually at FitBloggin' taking pictures of people doing poses, and I stopped by the table thinking about getting my photo, and then I walked away because I was afraid I'd look stupid or not be able to do a pose correctly. This was the same day as my awful elevator experience, so my self-esteem was already in the toilet. Looking back, and looking at my first 5 days of photos, I just realized how silly that was.
I have imperfections in my form and I see imperfections in my body. But I also see strength, flexibility, and power with each pose. It's a pretty freaking great feeling! Also, I think it's beautiful looking at all the different people from everywhere participating in the challenge. Check out the #yogaaday tag on Instagram to see, and follow me @skinnyemmie while you're at it!