I may not be applying for The Biggest Loser again, but I do have to admit that the application does have some great questions on it that hopefully make the people applying stop to really think about their motives. Don't worry- I didn't download the application for myself. I've been reading Jen Lancaster's book, Bitter is the New Black, and came across a portion where she talks about her Biggest Loser casting experience and some of the answers she put on her application. That got me remembering that there were some thought provoking questions on the season 10 application, so I thought I'd take a look to see if I've “figured it out” yet. I'll probably post a few of these over the next couple of weeks- I would love for you to pop in and comment with your responses as well!
Today's Question: What do you think would be the best thing about being fit? How would your life be different?
*le sigh* Seriously. It's not like I've never been fit. When I went through all my fat camp experiences, I left pretty damn fit. Working out 5+ hours a day will do that to you. I taught aerobics classes. Kickboxing and step aerobics. I was still 215 pounds, my lowest I can ever remember being (a size 16 misses). I could go for a jog, bound up stairs, be on my feet for hours on end. That lasted all of about 4 months, and then the freshman 15 50 happened. It's been 11 years since I've felt fit. 11 damn years! Can you imagine?
So, how would my life be different? I have no idea how to describe it. The feeling of not being limited by your size and by your lack of stamina sounds so good right now I could cry. No more hips against the arms of chairs. No more worries about if there is a fire alarm at work and I have to scale a bunch of stairs. No more having to prop my legs up at night to help the swelling go down. When I become fit, I will feel this earned sense of freedom. Maybe I'll feel closer to my age. Maybe my head will stop telling me I can't do things.
Maybe it won't.
Maybe I'll still have some issues due to the fact I allowed myself to get to my highest weight of 455 pounds. Maybe I'll have lingering joint pain from carrying around the weight for so long. I know that my body won't be tight and toned (at least without the assistance of a total body lift). Even then, my body will have scars. My mind will have scars.
So how would my life be different? I'm not 100% sure yet, but I know it would be better, and I can't wait to find out.
How about you? What would fit feel like? What DOES fit feel like?