On 5.25.10 I made a 101 in 1001 list. Basically, it’s a list of 101 things I want to accomplish in 1001 days. Click here for the original post. Of the 101 list items, a whopping 53 had to relate to my weight, either directly or indirectly. By indirectly, I mean that they are things I either couldn’t do because of my weight, or wouldn’t do because of the self consciousness my weight creates for me. To see the full list, click here. To see only the weight-related list on the blog, click here.
I'm actually really happy with my progress. On 5.25 I didn't really have super high expectations. There were several on there that I thought I would fail, including:
- Start a regular exercise routine
- Complete a 5K
- Lose 60 pounds
Nor did I think my perspective would change so much on this one:
- Try out for The Biggest Loser one more time
But wouldn't you know it? Those things are now crossed off my list! And I was checking it today and noticed that several more might be gone by the end of my cruise, including:
- Take a tropical vacation with my husband
- Go to the beach
- Go karaoke'ing (hehe- I need song suggestions!)
- Wear a swimsuit without complete shame (hopeful)
- Ride on a boat (We booked a jet ski excursion- I count that as a boat, in addition to the ship being a boat…)
- Get a massage (maybe- depends on prices and schedule)
I've had rough patches these past 12 weeks as I got acclimated to actually exercising regularly and trying to figure out how to manage a new routine. There are points when I've felt like by making a list like this that I'm setting myself up for failure. How many times have we all said we're going to do something and then not do it? Same as the post from yesterday: “yesterday you said tomorrow.”
You have to take the little victories. Tonight, even though I'm super stressed with work and trying to get everything ready before I leave Friday, I am hopeful. I am optimistic. I've accomplished something big the past 12 weeks and I should be proud. Not boastful, just proud. I need to soak in the accomplishment instead of deflecting it as I so often do. So this will be my goal for the vacation. Try to soak it in that I've earned it, and that I'm worth having a great time. I don't need to feel ashamed. I am in control and can make smart choices and be proud of them, not mad that I can't partake in bad food.
Anyway, I'm starting to ramble and I'm tired, so I'll leave you with this:
Have you made a 101 in 1001 list? Do you feel good about your progress? And… if you have any good karaoke song suggestions, leave them in the comments LOL 😀