At my highest weight of 455 pounds, restaurant booths were pretty much a no-go for me, hence why I bought all my food from restaurants to go and would eat in the privacy of my home, and security of my oversized recliner. Despite still being quite snug in my booths, for some reason I will NEVER ask for a table. If someone asks “table or booth” I inevitably defer to the person who is with me, and make it their decision. I prefer booths. I like being tucked away from foot traffic. It's more comfortable than a wooden chair, and usually the people I'm with prefer booths also.
I was reminded of this when I went to the Cheesecake Factory last week in Atlanta with one of my mom's former friends (former because my mom is dead, not because they had a falling out). I was craving a piece of their low carb cheesecake- nom nom. The host asked me if I wanted a booth or a table. I asked my dinner acquantance and she defered back to me. I had just gotten done shopping at the mall and FIT in clothes I didn't think would fit, so of course, without hesitation I said, “BOOTH!” The host gave a little pause with a quizzical look in his eye as to “are you SURE about that??” but I just kept smiling and we were seated in a booth.
Compared to the past (69 pounds ago), I fit pretty well. Yes, my stomach was against the table. Yes, a little more room would have been kind of nice. But was it some abnormally small booth? No. I fought the little urge inside me that wanted to be like “in your face, host!” but really he was probably just trying to save me potential embarrassment. I guess that's better than those hosts and hostesses who might fight you if you ask for alternative seating arrangements than where you've originally been assigned. Still, it reminded me that yep, I'm still fat, and yep, it's not a secret.
I look forward to the day where I don't have to worry about the table v. booth question. When I can not have to worry about if a table moves or if it's affixed to the floor, and if affixed, which side of the booth is larger (as I frequently judge when out with some of my closest friends). Skinny Emmie won't have to worry about booths, and will hopefully be able to sit with room between my stomach and the table.
Now, because I'm in a generous mood tonight, buoyed by the happiness of 69 pounds gone, I'm going to share with you an out-take from my Biggest Loser audition video from Season 10 (back in March). Background: If you watch the show, you'll know on many of the home videos they show the contestants eating nasty fat things. I went to a local restaurant with my friends and ordered what I thought would look gross: Country Fried Steak. This is something I actually would NEVER eat, but did it for the camera. Messed up, huh?
Anyway, I had an “incident” when eating. Maybe you had to be there for it to be funny. Maybe I was just tickled that day and delirious from the carbs. Whatever the case, if you wait until about 1 minute 17 seconds in, you will hear my famous hyenna laugh- the one that causes me to stop breathing sometimes. Enjoy.