I'm a little bit of a mega-fan of YouTube star/singer/songwriter/amazing Meghan Tonjes. I've been known to listen to her Request Tuesday's on repeat and pre-ordered her album in actual CD format. That's major – who the hell uses CD's anymore?!
Anyway, as if I couldn't love Meghan any more, she posted this video a few months ago on her secondary YouTube channel (this is what happens when you're SO POPULAR on YouTube. You best believe I subscribe to all her channels) called “I am fat.”
She has dealt with all kinds of negativity from haters who hide behind the anonymity of commenting on the internet, and her response was brilliant. It's making it's way through the interwebz, and I'm so excited for the exposure her message has gotten.
Suck it, haters.
Oh, also? Meghan might like Ed Sheeran as much as I do. Or maybe more? I may fight her over him. In any case, here's one of my favorite Request Tuesday's where she covers Ed Sheeran's “The A Team.”